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Motivational Interviewing in an Integrated Care Setting: A Three-Part Series
This three-part video series demonstrates how Motivational Interviewing may be applied in a variety of
integrated healthcare settings. The videos feature standardized patient "Sarah," a low-income, single
mother with risky tobacco and alcohol use. Excerpts of this video series are used to demonstrate the
underlying principles, tools, techniques, and strategies used in Motivational Interviewing in the
Tour of Motivational Interviewing online course.
Part 1: Nurse Practitioner Scenario
In part one, Nurse Practitioner Martha Lofgreen, RNC, MSN, WHNP, interviews standardized patient
"Sarah" in the context of a primary care setting and conducts a Brief Negotiated Interview to illuminate
Sarah’s risky tobacco and alcohol use.
Part 2: Counselor Scenario
In part two, Clinical Psychologist Delwyn Catley, PhD, meets with standardized patient "Sarah" in the
context of a follow-up counseling session and helps Sarah explore her risky alcohol use.
Part 3: Social Worker Scenario
In part three, Clinical Social Worker Ile Haggins, MSW, LCSW meets with standardized patient "Sarah" to
offer support in her plan to cut back on her tobacco and alcohol use and to resolve one of her more
pressing stressors, that being viable child care options.
SBIRT for Health and Behavioral Health Professionals: How to Talk to Patients about Substance Use
This video series is part of an online course, SBIRT for Health and Behavioral Health Professionals: How
to Talk to Patients about Substance Use. It features four videos, including brief interventions for patients
in the Risky, Harmful, and Severe Zones and a clinician testimonial about the importance of universal
screening for substance use. To register for this free course, visit sbirt.care.
Brief Intervention for a Patient in the Risky Zone
Brief Intervention for a Patient in the Harmful Zone
Brief Intervention for a Patient in the Severe Zone
Ask the Questions: A Case Study Illustrating the Importance of Universal Screening for Substance Use
American Indian Culture and Behavioral Health
Process to Engage
This video explores traditional Native American healing practices for substance use recovery.
Culture Matters: Indigenous Perspectives on Behavioral Healthcare
A documentary film focusing on Native American, Alaska Native, and Pacific Islander behavioral health
care and how culture influences treatment decisions.
Journey of the Sacred Hoop 3: Healing Native Women and Children
This documentary tells the story about White Bison's journey across the United States and focuses on
the healing of women and children. This is the third of three journeys taken across the United States. For
more information visit www.whitebison.org.
Opioid Use and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
The Opioid Epidemic's Toll on Pregnant Women and Their Babies
PBS NewsHour Weekend Special correspondent Alison Stewart reports on the challenges for pregnant women struggling with addiction.
Stronger Together: NAS Soothing Technique for Mommies and Babies
This video showcases professionals and mothers demonstrating techniques to help soothe neonatal
abstinence syndrome symptoms and the critical role that birth mothers play in their infant's recovery.
Journeys of Hope: Mommies and Babies Overcoming Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
This video features the story of three mothers who describe their experience in recovering from opioid
use disorders during pregnancy. Professionals from the child welfare, substance use treatment and the
medical fields discuss how providing care without judgment results in better outcomes for both the
mother and infant.
Medication Assisted Treatment and Pregnancy
This interview series, produced by the National Council for Behavioral health, focuses on methadone and buprenorphine use during pregnancy.
Mothers & Methadone
Marijuana Use and Pregnancy
Marijuana Use and Pregnancy
Dr. Laura Borgelt, Professor at the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy, discusses the effects marijuana use can have on women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, the unborn child, and newborns.
Marijuana Effects on the Body
Dr. Wilson M. Compton, Deputy Director at NIDA, highlights the adverse effects of marijuana use can have on the brain, heart, and respiratory system. The video also provides some information on second hand exposure and current marijuana potency.
Understanding Addiction and Recovery
Understanding Addiction: The Gas and Brakes of Human Motivation
From the outside, it can be hard to understand how a person with addiction can lose control of their lives. This video gives an overview of human motivation and helps explain how addiction causes such dysfunction and devastation.
Beyond Rock Bottom: Medication Assisted Treatment
Many believe that a person must hit "rock bottom" to start recovering from addiction. But there are treatments for addiction that don't require personal devastation. Watch the video to find out more!
OWH National Opioid Meeting, September 2016
OWH Opioid Meeting Day 1 Welcome Remarks and Cortney Lovell Presentation
OWH Opioid Meeting Day 1 Panel 1 What Does the Secretary's Initiative Mean for Women Pt 1
OWH Opioid Meeting Day 1 Panel 1 What Does the Secretary's Initiative Mean for Women Pt 2
OWH Opioid Meeting Day 1 Panel 2 Exploring Issues in Prevention for Women
OWH Opioid Meeting Day 1 Report Out and Discussion of Day One Breakout Sessions
OWH Opioid Meeting Day 2 Recap of Day One and Charge for Day Two
OWH Opioid Meeting Day 2 Panel 3 Exploring Issues in Treatment for Women
OWH Opioid Meeting Day 2 Panel 4 Approaches and Opportunities for Sustainable Impact
OWH Opioid Meeting Day 2 Report Out and Discussion from Day Two
OWH Opioid Meeting Day 2 Next Steps Call to Action Finnegan Consulting
The Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of Our Nation
Trailer for the documentary