May 2017


Volume 2, Issue 5: May 2, 2017

The ATTC Center of Excellence on Behavioral Health for Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Their Families (ATTC CoE-PPW) has launched Families In Focus, an e-newsletter for PPW programs. This publication contains updates on the work of the ATTC CoE-PPW, including new resources, training offerings, opportunities to connect with other PPW programs, and more. Visit to learn more about the ATTC CoE-PPW.



Building Programs for Fathers: Men as Partners and Parents

Interested in involving fathers in your program or looking for ways to expand services? During the April 4 PPW Project ECHO, Thomas McMahon, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine, delivered a didactic presentation on how PPW programs can better serve fathers and partners. The presentation discussed the importance of engaging men, facts about fathers and fathering, and considerations for building programming for fathers. The presentation is available for on-demand viewing on our site. Slides can also be downloaded and include links to a number of resources, including some of the following:

Engaging Extended Family

Learn how process improvement strategies can help your program engage extended family members. During the April 18 PPW Project ECHO, Lynn Madden, CEO of the APT Foundation, delivered a didactic presentation on how PPW programs can increase engagement of family members. The presentation covers family-focused interventions, creating a family-centered culture, and process improvement strategies to increase family engagement. The presentation is available for on-demand viewing on our site. Slides can also be downloaded and include links to a number of resources, including a report on process improvement activities to increase family engagement among PPW grantees in 2006:

New Didactics Coming in May

  • Parenting (5/2/17 PPW ECHO)
  • Women's health and family planning (5/16/17 PPW ECHO)

New Resource | Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Toolbox

Are you interested in learning more about Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC), an evidence-based practice that promotes the mental health and school readiness of young children? The Center of Excellence for IECMHC (a partnership of SAMHSA, HRSA, and ACF) has developed an online Toolbox with free interactive planning tools, guides, videos, and other resources to help organizations and communities implement IECMHC efforts. The Toolbox was created to meet two goals. First, to synthesize existing information about the latest research and best practices for IECMHC in home visiting and early care and education programs. Second, to develop resources and/or strategies to fill gaps in key areas of knowledge (e.g., addressing racial disparities, building the workforce, and implementing IECMHC within home visiting programs and tribal communities). Watch "A Day in the Life of an Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant" to learn more about the IECMHC model in action.

Spotlight on Gateway - Steps to Recovery (Jacksonville, FL): Innovative Staffing Models to Improve Family-Centered Care

Gateway - Steps to Recovery is a comprehensive substance use disorder treatment provider that is continuously seeking to expand and renew its residential Pregnant and Postpartum Women Program. The PPW program’s focus has been and remains person- as well as family-centered and provides services for the women, minor children, fathers, and extended family members. Gateway encourages family involvement in the treatment of the patient as well as works with other community agency providers already serving the women. The PPW Program has been at the forefront of agency changes including procedures and policies related to family involvement, peer support specialist training, and trauma-focused treatment. Participants of the program receive individual recovery support from Florida board certified Recovery Peer Specialists utilizing the WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) program, and individual sessions with a Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) certified counselor. Program staff engage in online trainings, webinars, seminars, and live teaching courses to continue to build their capacity to provide comprehensive treatment modalities to the women and those in their lives. For more information on the program's staffing models, read the full Community Story and find other innovative programs across the country on the Community Stories map. If you would like your program featured on the Community Stories page, contact Senior Project Manager, Sarah Knopf-Amelung, at

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FAMILIES IN FOCUS is a publication of the ATTC CoE-PPW. You may Unsubscribe at any time.

The mission of the ATTC CoE-PPW is to strengthen the ability of the behavioral healthcare workforce to serve the pregnant and postpartum population. The ATTC CoE-PPW is funded by SAMHSA as a supplement to the Mid-America ATTC, in partnership with the Great Lakes, New England, and Southeast ATTCs.